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Top Day Hikes in Louisiana
The words hiking and Louisiana don't often go together. They certainly don't conjure up images of rugged mountain trails past bubbling creeks. But if you know where to look, Louisiana offers a unique chance to get outdoors in a different way. Discover a boardwalk...

Morgan City to Avery Island
On one of the last cool weekends before summer, we jumped in the car to visit Avery Island, home to Tabasco as well as the beautiful oasis, Jungle Gardens. On previous trips, we always took I-10 from New Orleans to Breaux Bridge and then headed south. This time,...

End of the Road: Jefferson Parish’s Town of Jean Lafitte
We've been on a kick lately traveling to the end of all the roads in Louisiana--first in Plaquemines, then St. Bernard and now Jefferson via the Town of Jean Lafitte. It's altogether quite a different drive than the other two, most notably because we didn't seem to...

Cajun Country: St. Martinville and Lake Fausse Pointe State Park
On the eastern edge of Lafayette, a circle of roads connects the historic town of St. Martinville with picturesque Lake Fausse Pointe. This was our weekend destination, and we launched the adventure from the Crawfish Capitol of the World - Breaux Bridge. As we passed...

Down in Da Parish
Lured into St. Bernard Parish by a festival, we ended up staying late into the evening to see plantations, a battlefield and chickens. That's right, chickens kept us out way past nap time. But I digress. It all started when I saw the newspaper article about the Los...